50-Point Checklist for Preparing for a Military Deployment

#airforce #army #army life #armystrong #bootsinbusiness #coast guard #fort carson #fort gregg-adams #fort hauchuca #fort hood #fort liberty #fort shafter #marines #navy #pentagon #sof #space force Jun 29, 2024
Marines deploying

Before our Boot in Business members transition out of the military, they may go on a deployment or training exercise. Preparing for a military deployment involves careful planning and organization. Here’s a comprehensive 50-point checklist to ensure you’re ready for every aspect of your deployment.

Personal and Legal Preparations

  1. Update Your Will
    Ensure your will reflects your current wishes and designate an executor.
  2. Set Up Powers of Attorney
    Assign durable and healthcare powers of attorney to trusted individuals.
  3. Review Beneficiary Information
    Update beneficiaries on life insurance and other financial accounts.
  4. Organize Legal Documents
    Keep important documents like birth certificates, marriage certificates, and Social Security cards in a safe place.
  5. Create a Family Care Plan
    If you have dependents, outline care arrangements in case of emergencies.
  6. Prepare a Living Will
    Document your healthcare preferences in case of incapacity.
  7. Establish a Guardianship Plan
    Arrange guardianship for your children with a trusted family member or friend.
  8. Review Your Military Record
    Ensure all your military records are up to date and accessible.
  9. Create a Digital Inventory
    List all online accounts and passwords for your family’s reference.
  10. Set Up a Communication Plan
    Determine how and when you’ll communicate with loved ones during deployment.

Financial Preparations

  1. Create a Budget
    Account for changes in income and expenses during deployment.
  2. Set Up Automatic Bill Payments
    Arrange automatic payments for recurring bills to avoid late fees.
  3. Update Direct Deposit Information
    Ensure your paycheck is deposited into the correct account.
  4. Check Credit Reports
    Review your credit reports for accuracy and address any discrepancies.
  5. Build an Emergency Fund
    Save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses.
  6. Review Life Insurance Coverage
    Ensure your coverage meets your family’s needs.
  7. Consider a Deployment Savings Plan
    Explore savings options specific to deployed service members.
  8. Arrange for Tax Preparation
    Decide who will file taxes on your behalf and gather necessary documents.
  9. Discuss Financial Responsibilities with Your Partner
    Ensure both partners understand household finances and responsibilities.
  10. Notify Creditors of Deployment
    Inform creditors to potentially qualify for benefits under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA).

Health and Medical Preparations

  1. Schedule a Comprehensive Medical Checkup
    Address any health concerns before deployment.
  2. Update Immunizations
    Ensure all required vaccines are current.
  3. Refill Medications
    Stock up on necessary prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.
  4. Review Health Insurance Coverage
    Understand your healthcare options during deployment.
  5. Prepare a Medical Power of Attorney
    Designate someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf.
  6. Gather Medical Records
    Keep copies of medical and dental records accessible.
  7. Discuss Deployment with Your Healthcare Provider
    Address any specific health concerns related to your deployment.
  8. Arrange for Family Health Care
    Ensure your family knows how to access healthcare in your absence.
  9. Pack a Basic First Aid Kit
    Include essential supplies for minor injuries or illnesses.
  10. Learn Stress-Management Techniques
    Practice mindfulness, meditation, or other techniques to manage deployment stress.

Family and Home Preparations

  1. Discuss Deployment with Your Children
    Explain the deployment in age-appropriate terms and address their concerns.
  2. Create a Family Calendar
    Mark important dates and events to stay connected while away.
  3. Establish a Support Network
    Identify friends, family, or support groups who can assist your family during your absence.
  4. Arrange for Home Maintenance
    Set up services for lawn care, snow removal, or other household tasks.
  5. Secure Your Home
    Check locks, alarms, and security systems to ensure home safety.
  6. Update Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance
    Review your policy for adequate coverage.
  7. Discuss Emergency Plans with Your Family
    Ensure everyone knows what to do in case of emergencies.
  8. Create a Family Emergency Contact List
    Include important phone numbers and addresses for quick reference.
  9. Set Up Childcare Arrangements
    If applicable, confirm childcare plans with providers or family members.
  10. Prepare Pet Care Arrangements
    Arrange for pet care, including feeding, vet visits, and exercise.

Deployment-Specific Preparations

  1. Attend Pre-Deployment Briefings
    Participate in all mandatory briefings and training sessions.
  2. Research Your Deployment Location
    Learn about the culture, customs, and environment of your deployment area.
  3. Review Deployment Orders
    Ensure you understand your assignment, responsibilities, and expectations.
  4. Pack Your Gear and Uniforms
    Check that all required uniforms and equipment are in good condition.
  5. Pack Personal Comfort Items
    Bring photos, books, or other items to maintain morale.
  6. Check Electronics and Adapters
    Ensure your devices are compatible with the power systems at your deployment location.
  7. Create a Packing List
    Make a comprehensive list to ensure you don’t forget essential items.
  8. Develop a Fitness Routine
    Stay physically fit to meet the demands of deployment.
  9. Arrange Transportation to the Deployment Site
    Confirm travel plans and arrangements for departure.
  10. Stay Informed About Deployment Benefits
    Understand the benefits and resources available to you during and after deployment.


Before you decide to transition out of the military, it is very possible you will deploy or at least take on training missions that will take you away from your family for a length of time. Boots in Business members want to be prepared. Preparing for deployment involves thorough planning across multiple aspects of your life. By following this checklist, you can ensure that you, your family, and your finances are ready for the challenges ahead. This preparation not only supports your mission but also provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your duties while deployed.

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