Top 10 Tips for Preparing for a Military Deployment

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Navy on a deployment

Boots in Business members understand that deployments are a part of our military service. Here are some tips on how to prepare.

Preparing for a military deployment is a crucial process that involves logistical, emotional, and practical planning. Here are ten detailed tips to help service members and their families get ready for deployment, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing stress.

  1. Organize Personal Affairs

Before deploying, it’s essential to ensure that all personal and legal matters are in order.

Key Steps:

  • Update Legal Documents:
    • Wills: Ensure your will is up-to-date, specifying guardians for children and beneficiaries for assets.
    • Power of Attorney: Assign a trusted person to manage your financial and healthcare decisions.
    • Beneficiary Designations: Review and update beneficiaries on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other relevant documents.
  • Create a Document Folder:
    • Store copies of essential documents (e.g., marriage certificate, birth certificates, insurance policies) in a safe place accessible to your family.
    • Consider digital backups using secure, encrypted storage solutions.

Why It Matters:

Having your affairs in order protects your family and ensures that they can handle any unforeseen circumstances while you are deployed.

  1. Financial Preparation

Deployment can impact your financial situation. Proper planning helps manage expenses and provides financial security for your family.

Key Steps:

  • Set Up a Budget:
    • Create a deployment budget, considering changes in income (e.g., deployment allowances) and expenses.
    • Include savings for emergencies and future goals.
  • Automate Finances:
    • Set up automatic bill payments for utilities, mortgage/rent, and other recurring expenses.
    • Use online banking to monitor accounts and manage finances remotely.
  • Emergency Fund:
    • Build or enhance an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, ideally three to six months of living expenses.

Why It Matters:

Financial stability reduces stress for you and your family, allowing you to focus on your mission.

  1. Health and Medical Preparedness

Maintaining health and wellness is vital for deployment readiness.

Key Steps:

  • Schedule Medical Checkups:
    • Complete physical and dental exams to address any health issues before deployment.
    • Obtain all necessary vaccinations and immunizations.
  • Manage Medications:
    • Ensure you have a sufficient supply of prescriptions, and understand how to refill them during deployment.
    • Carry a copy of your medical records and a list of medications.
  • Health Insurance:
    • Verify that your family’s health insurance coverage is current and understand how to access medical care while you are deployed.

Why It Matters:

Good health is crucial for deployment readiness, and pre-deployment medical care helps prevent complications while you are away.

  1. Establish Communication Plans

Staying connected with loved ones is essential for emotional support during deployment.

Key Steps:

  • Discuss Communication Preferences:
    • Agree on preferred methods (e.g., email, video calls) and frequency of communication.
    • Set realistic expectations based on the deployment location and available technology.
  • Emergency Contact Information:
    • Provide your family with emergency contact numbers, including your command structure and base support services.
    • Establish a plan for family emergencies and ensure your spouse or designated family member knows whom to contact.

Why It Matters:

Clear communication helps maintain strong family bonds and provides reassurance, reducing anxiety for both you and your loved ones.

  1. Emotional and Mental Health Preparation

Deployment can be emotionally challenging. Preparing mentally can help manage stress and anxiety.

Key Steps:

  • Counseling and Support:
    • Consider pre-deployment counseling for you and your family to discuss expectations and concerns.
    • Join military family support groups or online forums to connect with others who understand the deployment experience.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Management:
    • Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to manage stress and anxiety.
    • Encourage open communication about emotions and concerns within your family.

Why It Matters:

Emotional preparedness strengthens resilience and helps both you and your family navigate the challenges of deployment.

  1. Physical Fitness and Training

Staying physically fit is essential for your health and performance during deployment.

Key Steps:

  • Maintain a Regular Exercise Routine:
    • Engage in a balanced fitness program that includes cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training.
    • Follow any pre-deployment fitness requirements or recommendations from your unit.
  • Skill Training and Refreshers:
    • Participate in required pre-deployment training, including weapons qualification and tactical drills.
    • Review standard operating procedures and mission-specific skills to ensure you are well-prepared.

Why It Matters:

Physical fitness and skill readiness are critical for successful mission performance and overall well-being during deployment.

  1. Packing Essentials

Efficient packing ensures you have everything you need without overburdening yourself.

Key Steps:

  • Uniforms and Gear:
    • Check that all uniforms, boots, and gear are serviceable and in compliance with regulations.
    • Pack extra uniform items and accessories to account for wear and tear.
  • Personal Items:
    • Bring items that provide comfort and connection to home, such as family photos, favorite books, or personal mementos.
    • Include toiletries, sunscreen, and other personal care items that may be unavailable at your deployment location.
  • Technology and Electronics:
    • Pack necessary electronics, such as a laptop or tablet, along with chargers and power converters if needed.
    • Consider portable entertainment options, such as e-books or downloaded movies, to help pass downtime.

Why It Matters:

Having the right gear and personal items enhances your comfort and helps maintain morale during deployment.

  1. Research Deployment Location

Understanding your deployment area helps with cultural adaptation and mission effectiveness.

Key Steps:

  • Cultural Awareness:
    • Learn about the local customs, traditions, and language to foster positive relationships and avoid misunderstandings.
    • Attend any available cultural training offered by your unit.
  • Climate and Terrain:
    • Familiarize yourself with the climate and terrain of your deployment area to prepare appropriate clothing and gear.
    • Understand weather patterns and potential environmental challenges.
  • Security and Safety:
    • Research the security situation in your deployment area and follow guidelines from your command.
    • Stay informed about potential threats and recommended safety precautions.

Why It Matters:

Being informed about your deployment location enhances your adaptability, safety, and ability to accomplish your mission.

  1. Build and Strengthen Support Systems

A robust support network is vital for managing the challenges of deployment.

Key Steps:

  • Family and Friends:
    • Communicate openly with family and friends about deployment expectations and how they can support you.
    • Arrange regular check-ins or virtual gatherings to maintain connections.
  • Military Community:
    • Engage with your unit’s family readiness group or spouse support network.
    • Connect with other military families to share experiences and resources.
  • Professional Resources:
    • Utilize military support services such as chaplains, counselors, and family support centers.
    • Know how to access resources for mental health, financial counseling, and emergency assistance.

Why It Matters:

A strong support system provides emotional and practical assistance, helping you and your family cope with the stresses of deployment.

  1. Develop a Post-Deployment Plan

Planning for life after deployment ensures a smoother reintegration process.

Key Steps:

  • Career and Education Goals:
    • Consider professional development opportunities or educational programs to pursue post-deployment.
    • Explore options for using benefits like the GI Bill for further education or training.
  • Reintegration with Family and Community:
    • Discuss expectations for reintegration with your family, addressing potential challenges such as role adjustments and changes in routines.
    • Plan activities or trips to reconnect with loved ones after your return.
  • Health and Wellness:
    • Prioritize post-deployment health assessments, including physical and mental health evaluations.
    • Engage in self-care practices to support overall well-being and transition smoothly back to civilian life.

Why It Matters:

A well-thought-out post-deployment plan helps you focus on future goals, enhances family relationships, and facilitates a successful reintegration into civilian life.


Boots in Business members understand that preparing for military deployment requires careful planning and consideration of various aspects of life. By organizing personal affairs, planning financially, prioritizing health, and establishing strong support systems, you can minimize stress and ensure a successful deployment. Remember, preparation is key—being well-prepared empowers you to handle the challenges of deployment, stay focused on your mission, and return home safely to your loved ones.

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